Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Blame game

The recent attack by jihadists on the srilankan cricketers epitomises the far-flung terror infrastructure in Pakistan. It is shameful on the part of the present regime for they have failed miserably in diluting these hydra-headed activities of a part of their community. That these carnages are totally bereft of any motives makes the issue even more complicated. And now, Pakistanis(a considerable minority) suspect Indian hands in this attack. Doesn't this seem foolish the moment one hears it? Just because the ISI(Inter Services Intelligence) played a part in 26/11, should its Indian counterpart, the RAW(Indian Research and Analysis Wing) avenge in a similar fashion? The Indian government is yet to bring the lone gunman(Ajmal Amir) involved in the 26/11 attacks to a proper trial. In such a state would any sane person on earth hatch a conspiracy of this kind? 
The investigation till now projects the similarities in both the attacks(3/3 and 26/11). It brings out the involvement of LeT or some other terrorist group that has copied the Mumbai modus operandi. Few Pakistani localites, including a leading television channel have however managed to intelligently relate this attack with the erstwhile tit-for-tat attacks carried out by India. Though few sources have identified the weapons left back by the terrorists as that of Indian make, no conclusions can be arrived at until proper evidence from the forensic department is out. 
Whatever the case might be, Pakistan has to realise that this is no kindergarten skirmish to point fingers at and that it has undoubtedly become the epicentre of terrorism which has to be destroyed soon, root and branch. This growing terrorism originating from Pakistani soil is turning uncontrollable. It is high time the world seriously discussed this menace and took realisable decisions. Each and every sane individual should understand that just as Swat is to Pakistan, Pakistan is to the rest of the world.   

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