Monday, June 29, 2009

What the novels teach you - everything

Soon after I finished The Second Lady, a stunning novel by Irving Wallace, impressed by his style of writing I started off with The Golden Room. Though the plot raced on a somewhat slower pace than The Second Lady it was certainly way better than The Sea of Poppies[you know,I stopped reading it when I was 25% through]. For that matter any male - hmmm the females too[just giving them their due rights lest I should be reproved by the LGBT community] would enjoy reading both The Second Lady and The Golden Room because of the author's generous citing of on-bed events in a stimulating fashion. I used to deeply condemn Sidney's way of introducing episodes of physical union because I felt they were forced into the story without any actual need. But Irving has every reason to boast about his writing - perfectly fitting. While The Second Lady speaks about the cold war that existed between Russia and the USA and an immaculate impersonation of Billie Bradford to win over this crisis situation, The Golden Room explores the internal affairs of Chicago with The Everleigh Club as its epicentre. Well after you get to know what The Everleigh Club is[sorry, you have to google it and know for yourself because I don't wish to lose the chastity of my blog], you would appreciate the phrase - 'perfectly fitting.' But, only one thing about The Golden Room remains abstruse to me and it is the name of the novel - The Golden Room itself. There has hardly been any great detail about the significance of the name in the story except that the club housed a golden room with a golden grand piano. Chuck it!! I am no panelist in the Booker Prize judging panel to scrutinise this. I read just for the pleasure in reading. But, if any of you know the interpretation of the name of the novel with the plot or if it transpires to any of you after reading it do drop a note in my comment box. 
I have just one last thing to say - I am sorry for having displayed a tinge of perversity in this post. And for those who are planning to read one of the two novels or both of them, please shed a reasonable part of your ideals and morality or else you might end up saying - Cheap!! Cheap!!Cheap!!

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