Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sayonara to DADA!!
Whatever he turns out to be outside the 22 yard surface, those red-letter matches displaying dada's skillful lofty shots over the floodlights would always be persistent in everyone's heart.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Alchemist - a short review
Author: Paulo Coelho

As rightly quoted, it is indeed a magical apologue of following our dreams. A must-read for all. Though the story always revolves around a single character,Santiago- a shepherd boy, the author has managed to express the emotions of life in the most appealing manner.The author has been careful enough in explaining the interpretaion of omens. Perhaps the secret of Coelho's success is that he tells people what they want to hear, or rather that he tells them that what they wished for but never thought possible could even be probable.
This is definitely a story for all of us, in fact a story of all of us.
Single line: Energy Booster.
Friday, August 22, 2008
A typical discussion session
The learned man requested Avi to shift to another seat. And this irritated the surgeon of Team EINS to such an extent(though there wasnt any need) that he gave a HARD NO as reply. They ran into an arguement but not for long as the organiser interfered at the right time. Without even enquiring about what the dispute was about the organiser said something to Avi upon which he decided to flee the place and he did because the learned man referred to was V.V.Ramanan.
Just then the clock struck 7 and it was time to leave. A typical discussion session. Glad we atleast uttered the word "shaastra" quite a number of times.
Team EINS!!
- Srinath
- Srinivasan
- Avinash and ofcuz
- Me
Srinivasan - Shrewd, pro in programming and in wrapping up bots with clothes [:-p]
Avinash - He needs special mention because of what he is. I guess even blogspot knows about him or why would it underline his name alone(among names)... [:-p] ...

Me - Shivram [:-D].....
So, thats about Team Eins...............
Sunday, August 17, 2008
(No)Need for TIME MACHINE!!
Usually, a murky sunday evening fills my empty mind with thoughts of the past. But, now-a-days I seem to retrospect very often-almost on all holidays. The immediate thought that flashes when my mind enters the nostalgic book of the past is my schooling. Though I didnt actually freak out during school days, my mind was fresh, stressfree and life was so easy. Thinking of those chit-chats after tuition, meaningless fights, thrill in going past the doors of a girls school(our school and this girls school mentioned here had a common wall of separation :-D ), tight schedules, week-end entrance classes,frequent unit tests, a game of cricket on a rainy day, school tours,.............. I really realise the need for a time machine. How I wish I could turn back the pages of my life and live them again. "Time and tide waits for none" sounds so true now. Not that life now is boring, it just that life is less interesting than it had been in the past. Human mind always goes into a state of unknown melancholy when it is entrusted with responsiblites. True.... Very true.... But then, life is all about negotiating hurdles(do I sound like Paulo Coelho---naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... definitely not to his standards)... So, the culmination of all such thoughts is in the origin of a new thought- rather a new idea--DEVELOPING A TIME MACHINE.... Each and every person in this world would definitely wish to go back in his life to rectify some mistake or to re-live his past(just for the sake of tasting its sweetness one more time). And for all such persons time machine is a totally unlikely invention. If at all someone invents it in the future and people get to go back in their life, then, LIFE WOULD BE MEANINGLESS. So to make it meaningful, think about the your present...and decide your future.
----||||---- A delete key for life is a definite NO NO ..... ----||||----
Windows Server 2008 – Serves you best!!!
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is the next generation of the Windows Server operating system that helps information technology (IT) professionals maximize control over their infrastructure while providing unprecedented availability and management capabilities, leading to a significantly more secure, reliable and robust server environment than ever before. Windows Server 2008 delivers new value to organizations by ensuring all users regardless of location are able to get the full complement of services from the network. Windows Server 2008 also provides deep insight into the operating system and diagnostic capabilities to allow administrators to spend more time adding business value.
Windows Server 2008, with built-in Web and virtualization technologies, enables you to increase the reliability and flexibility of your server infrastructure. New virtualization tools, Web resources, and security enhancements help you save time, reduce costs, and provide a platform for a dynamic and optimized datacenter. Another striking feature is that this server goes well with Windows Vista.
A peep into the spotlights of this server
Built for the Web
Windows Server 2008 gives you the ability to deliver rich web-based experiences efficiently and effectively, with improved administration and diagnostics, development and application tools, and lower infrastructure costs.
It provides simplified Web server management with Internet Information Services 7.0, which is a powerful Web platform for applications and services. This modular platform provides a simplified, task-based management interface, greater cross-site control, security enhancements, and integrated health management for Web services.
Cross-site copy allows you to easily copy Web site settings across multiple Web servers without additional configuration.
It has a built-in virtualization technology which helps to virtualize multiple operating systems—Windows, Linux and others—on a single server. With virtualization built into the operating system and with simpler, more flexible licensing policies, it's now easier than ever to take advantage of all the benefits and cost savings of virtualization.
New deployments options to provide the most suitable method for your environment.
Windows Server 2008 is the most secure Windows Server ever. Its hardened operating system and security innovations, including Network Access Protection, Federated Rights Management, and Read-Only Domain Controller, provide unprecedented levels of protection for your network, your data, and your business.
Protection of your server with security innovations that reduce attack surface area of the kernel, resulting in a more robust and secure server environment.
Protection of your data to ensure it can only be accessed by users with the correct security context, and to make it available when hardware failures occur.
Protection against malicious software with User Account Control with a new authentication architecture.
Solid Foundation for Business Workloads
Increased dependability with advanced reliability enhancements to reduce loss of access, work, time, data, and control.
Effectively pinpointing and resolving trouble spots with powerful diagnostic tools that give you ongoing visibility into your server environment, both physical and virtual.
Increased control over servers located in remote locations, such as the branch office. With optimized server administration and data replication, you can provide users with better service while reducing management headaches.
This server thus provides almost everything necessary to be called “the best of all times.” This should probably alleviate most of the commonly encountered problems in an organisation and is definitely the gen-next server.
I am consistent performer!!
Though a gpa of 8.89 put me off on the day when results were out, I feel happy for having been able to maintain my gpa, unlike many others who fell in a deep pit. Well, who cares???
People who get better gpa's are of the view that it is the knowledge that matters. And those who expeted better grades are still not convinced. For them, grades fill their view. Infact, "BAD GRADES" fills their view.
Actually which one is more important?? Rank or cognition???
Probably the most useful days spent in college. NSO camp is what I meant. It is just obvious that everyone likes this camp because of its attractive schedule.
6:00 A.M - Attendance
6:15 A.M to 8:15 A.M - Optional Games(Cricket,Football,Tennis..... n what not.. u name it... NSO camp has it... keep in mind the most important TAI-CHI- I am a part of this chinese martial art.)
8:30 A.M - Breakfast
8:30 A.M to 10:00 A.M - Rest
10:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M - Optional Activities(only two choices... Chess or FirstAid.)
12:30 P.M - Lunch
12:30 P.M to 4:00 P.M - Rest
4:00 P.M to 6:00 P.M - Optional Games(again)
Then on, do whatever you want. But how am I online now?????? I made the 10 to 12 activity optional :-P but the option is only between chess and firstaid. :-D
One striking feature about this camp is that renowned coaches have been invited for training the students in their respective sport. And our Tai-chi sensei is extremely good. He is so inspiring that we always shun the thought of bunking the optional games session. We have the campfire today evening. We close the camp tomorrow only to re-open the college on monday(3rd semester :-( ).
The power of HD...
High-definition (HD) video generally refers to any video system of higher resolution than standard-definition (SD) video, most commonly at display resolutions of 1280×720 (720p) or 1920×1080 (1080i or 1080p). It was actually a shock for me to note the difference. Woooooooooooow... Mindblowing. Two days back my friend gave me a video of Pump It(Black eyed peas) which was a normal SD video. Along with this he also gave me the HD version. Trust me. This is awesome.
But watch out .. The only disadvantage is that the converted file will b almost 100 times the size of ur original file. So all those who wd like to fill up ur harddisks go for this...But ya.. cant compromise on quality too na..
Playing the pragyan prank..!!
This is the video of our bot which won the second place in the event SIMbot-robovigyan(a fully autonomous event) at NIT-Trichy as a part of their international technical fest PRAGYAN08 conducted in the month of february. I really dont know what made me post this so late. Anyway just watch the video and fill up the comment box.
In the recent past I have been getting quite a number of sms and also mails regarding the DOOMSDAY 21-12-2012. Well IS NATURE SO PREDICTABLE ??? I just dont understand how people get time to cook up such startling stories. However the movie in youtube is really good. [youtube=]
I was infact taken aback when i saw this the first time. Then I just tried getting more information on this-scanned the NASA site.Just read on to know more about the physics behind doomsday. I got this information from NASA's site.
306a. "Will the World end in 2012?"
Luckily, questions like hers have arisen before, and the more significant ones are answered on the web site. The key file is
which sorts the questions by subject. Your daughter's interests are particularly suited for section #7a ("Earth Rotation") and there to questions such as #26, #78, #165, #166 and #171 . Also section #7c ("Calendar and related items") and in particular the last two entries (#264 and #302) which relate directly to the Maya calendar and the year 2012 (as does one following immediately below here).
I hope your daughter (with your help) will be reassured and informed by what she reads. I also hope that she will become interested in science, and in particular astronomy! You can start her on the early sections of "Stargazers" and maybe begin with the paper sundial in section #2a there.
The reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles is a different subject altogether, discussed in "The Great Magnet, the Earth." It's not expected to happen soon, and while it has occurred in the past, you are not likely to notice it if it does, unless you are using a compass.
Return of the dragon..[:-p]
Well there is nothing significant about the title. It is just to show that now I am relieved from all exam stresses.Its now I realize that engineering is a skill. Ya it is. Too tiresome. What has an ECE student got to do with the study of environment and pollution. Yuck . No more of such study. Glad that I have completed my second semester and I am overlooking a better semester. Good luck to me.
And I recently identified that PWNED(my earlier post) was wrongly named. I really have a very bad memory. PWNED is not the name of that event mentioned in the post. It was wrongly named .... It was wrongly named... It was wrongly named......ooooooooooooooooooh...
Hmmmm... however I dont like to change that name because that looks attractive(atleast for my eyes).
Buckle up.... Time to be responsible...
I year ECE
Dear Shivram,
Sub: Appointment as a Board Member for the year 2008-09.
We are extremely pleased with your active involvement in the activities of the Computer Society of Anna University(CSAU) during the academic year 2007-08. You are hereby appointed, with effect from 15th May 2008, as a
Board Member of CSAU for the year 2008-09.
Does this post need an explanation????
After hibernation.
Hi. I am back. But this time not with Dr.DeMystifier because I am totally unhappy about the 1st semester results that were put up after a loooooooooooooooong delay and I didn't even bother to talk to that philosophical doctor. With a Grade Point Average(GPA) of just 8.8, I seem to have completely lost the status of being called a "PANDU"(common among CEGians).
I was never ever expecting a bad grade in Engineering Graphics(though I dont repent for it as it has absolutely no connection with my branch-ECE). But then, this 4-credit disgusting subject has put me down. "Now do you realise the importance of a 4-credit subject?", I asked myself, pitying myself.
Now, in the second semester the condition is even worse. With four 4-credit subjects and all of them so challenging(English being an exception but then the evaluation is tough) I really don't know on what figures I am going to land on.
P.S: The reason behind highlighting the word "just" is because of the number of thrashes that I got from my friends in college when I prefixed my GPA with this word.Does that mean all my friends in college got a GPA lesser than me???
The '0' gravity feel...
Have you ever experienced how it is to be in a place where gravity is NIL?? You will feel it when everything around you works in the way you expect them to be,some sort of floating sensation. You would wonder why I am talking about this now. Dr.DeMystifier put me in awe when he described his presence in '0' gravity. He felt it very important that he wanted all of you to know and to feel it.
I was just wondering what all this means(do I sound like Langdon?). '0' of ignorance.... [:-?].... I strongly feel that this post has no relevance to what the other posts were dealing with. But I think this is sum kind of a temporary outbreak of the old hysterical neurosis.
Do I brattle....???
Dont ask me what the title of the post means. It is a direct plagiarism-it was the name of an event at Shaastra'08(IIT-M).And If my memory is strong, this was the event which tested the capacity of the participants to make things complex.And after a really looooooooooooooooooooooooooong(the oooooooo takes "au" sound) time, I have come up with an idea to compute '2+2'.So here goes the computation.
Taking natural logarithms on both sides,
logy=log(2*2) ------------------(1)
We know that,
Hence eqn (1) becomes
logy=2log2 ------------------(2)
We know that,
log(m^n)=nlogm ------------------(3)
Applying the converse of eqn (3) in (2), we have
Now the above eqn becomes
If f(x)=a^x; So here [a=2;x=2]
We know that the Maclaurin series expansion of 'a^x' is
f(o)=2^0=1 ;
f'(x)=(ln2)2^x; f'(o)=ln2;
f''(x)=[(ln2)^2]2^x; f''(0)=(ln2)^2;
Hence substituting the values of f(0),f'(0) and f''(0) in eqn(4),
On approximation and rounding off,
2^2=4 .
Hence y=2+2=4.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
|The Philosophy|
Dr.DeMystifier was asked to elucidate the philosophy behind the title of his blog-"DARKNESS DEMYSTIFIED". He was shocked to see the various interpretations made by people. He then makes them free from confusion and ambiguity. Darkness here means no alien world. Nor is it a land of demons. It is just the "cloud of ignorance" which is around all of us. We strive to see through the cloud,but the cloud is so thick and dark that it makes us almost blind. This cloud does not pour down as rain. It just stays there and gets darker and darker.So what one can do is make the cloud thinner. The thinner it becomes the better is your vision.The person who manages to make the cloud as thin as possible is the most successful person.
Paradox in the title of my blog!!
In my efforts to explore the brightness of dark, I found strange paradoxes. The readers are strongly requested to stay calm and not to be thrown into a state of agitated confusion. If you are not able to comprehend the real purpose of this blog, then Dr.DeMystifier says you are mentally stable because even the owner of this blog is yet to find it.................................................................................................................................
Well thats what happens when someone(Dr.DeMystifier) suffers from hysterical neurosis-a neurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks and disturbances of sensory and motor functions.
Now that Dr.DeMystifier has been relieved of his neurotic disorder he begins to talk sense. This blog is for all those ambitious geeks who have an urge to accomplish something in life, Dr.DeMystifier being one among them.
So just join Dr.DeMystifier in exploring the brightness of dark which is nothing but exploring the unexplored.
P.S: The philosophy behind the title of this blog would be the next post.