Sunday, August 17, 2008

(No)Need for TIME MACHINE!!

Usually, a murky sunday evening fills my empty mind with thoughts of the past. But, now-a-days I seem to retrospect very often-almost on all holidays. The immediate thought that flashes when my mind enters the nostalgic book of the past is my schooling. Though I didnt actually freak out during school days, my mind was fresh, stressfree and life was so easy. Thinking of those chit-chats after tuition, meaningless fights, thrill in going past the doors of a girls school(our school and this girls school mentioned here had a common wall of separation :-D ), tight schedules, week-end entrance classes,frequent unit tests, a game of cricket on a rainy day, school tours,.............. I really realise the need for a time machine. How I wish I could turn back the pages of my life and live them again. "Time and tide waits for none" sounds so true now. Not that life now is boring, it just that life is less interesting than it had been in the past. Human mind always goes into a state of unknown melancholy when it is entrusted with responsiblites. True.... Very true.... But then, life is all about negotiating hurdles(do I sound like Paulo Coelho---naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... definitely not to his standards)... So, the culmination of all such thoughts is in the origin of a new thought- rather a new idea--DEVELOPING A TIME MACHINE.... Each and every person in this world would definitely wish to go back in his life to rectify some mistake or to re-live his past(just for the sake of tasting its sweetness one more time). And for all such persons time machine is a totally unlikely invention. If at all someone invents it in the future and people get to go back in their life, then, LIFE WOULD BE MEANINGLESS. So to make it meaningful, think about the your present...and decide your future.

----||||---- A delete key for life is a definite NO NO ..... ----||||----

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