Friday, August 22, 2008

A typical discussion session

We(Team Eins) usually have discussions before every event(infact almost a month b4 the actual event,yet we do things at the last moment). So, yesterday we had planned to meet at Srinath's place to discuss about library scanner for shaastra. Srinath and Srinivasan had class only till 1'o clock. So, Srinath left immediately. Srini had to go home due to few reasons. However, Avi reached Srinath's place at 3:30 and me at 5:00(normally it happens the otherway round). Just like any other meeting, we started with happenings in college which lasted for around 30 minutes. Just when we decided to start some serious business Avi interrupted. "Hey, I forgot to tell u guys something..........". He had attended the Landmark quiz on 15th Aug and shared with us few questions which were interesting.This went on for another 45 mins.After which he said that he was fortunate enough to take a seat in the front row(solely allotted for guest teams - he was lucky because he was late and the organisers let him sit there). His seat number was 24 and beside him sat a person(seat no. 23) with a neat frenchie and bright face. The event started. While Avi was trying to fill up his answer sheet with all that he has learnt till now(coz he had no idea about the question nor the answer) the man beside was busily writing the answers which also seemed like an arabic scripture for him. The answers sheets were submitted and during the break something interesting happened...........................................
The learned man requested Avi to shift to another seat. And this irritated the surgeon of Team EINS to such an extent(though there wasnt any need) that he gave a HARD NO as reply. They ran into an arguement but not for long as the organiser interfered at the right time. Without even enquiring about what the dispute was about the organiser said something to Avi upon which he decided to flee the place and he did because the learned man referred to was V.V.Ramanan.

Just then the clock struck 7 and it was time to leave. A typical discussion session. Glad we atleast uttered the word "shaastra" quite a number of times.

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