Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Importance of proper education at school

I was mouth-tied, unable to answer when my teacher posed a question today(details concealed due to various reasons). On my way back home, I was literally cursing my days of schooling(w.r.t education that I've imparted). It puts me to great shame. Who am I to point my finger at? .....the school? the teachers in particular? the principal? or myself? 
You should have really done great merits in your previous lives to get good teachers. They shape your future. The general misconception among the majority of parents is that secondary education is not as important as higher secondary. It is rubbish. The child's quotient is crude at this age. It is the duty of the parents and most importantly the teachers to teach the child to refine it. Whaaaaaaat? TO TEACH THE CHILD. This is the age when he/she starts thinking the nosey-parker way. There is an unextinguishable quench for knowledge, an innate inquisitiveness to know more, to learn more not about those badgering equations or formulae but about the day today happenings around him/her. So what the teachers have to do is to feed them young so that it stays with them forever. Make them aware of social issues, help them discover their potentials so that they can carve a niche for themselves in the future. Make them realise that even the brightest kid is a king only in his own den and that facing the competetive world is like walking on a razor's edge. The first step to victory is self-realisation. And this should happen before the age of 15 for only then would the child be able to build on its strength and strengthen its weaknesses.

Caveat: The child shapes up a country's future and the child inturn is moulded by teachers. And if the authorities expect the teachers to teach for a pay package of roasted peanuts p.a.,well, India is in great danger.

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