Friday, February 6, 2009

The sad state of cricket

Somehow, this concept of bidding for players doesn't sink into my orthodox skull - what a f***ing concept. Just think of a scenario where you are held by your feet, hanging upside down, waiting for your a master - probably a man with grey beard, to make his bid and then put you into his coop(in the same position - you are hung on nails like an inanimate object) ; then every other bearded man claps and expresses his envy like a green-eyed monster. Now comes the most disgusting part. You get tagged.
Freddie - sold out for $1.55m. 
What a f***ing concept!! One humanbeing purchasing another???
Since, every player is better known by his sobriquet, the media use it to let know the whole world. I feel pity for these cricketers - they have become a subject well suited for parody. If not for their achievements in the field of cricket atleast for the fact that they are living beings with the same number of bones(the count I have forgotten) as their bidders should be given the due respect. Phew!!!! And moreso few players even come under this section called Unsold. Probably this is what one calls kaliyugam - sitting inside a conference hall of a multi-starred hotel around circular tables and shouting out for a player, guffawing whether they've won the bid or not and watching someone wave the red-coloured lights which they apparently use to call for a bid. Poor fellas. These avaricious young men(cricketers) don't even recognise that red is a sign of caution. I don't think there is a better way to belittle the worth of someone.   

Irony : Money-makers playing with their money on the cricketers who proclaim to play for their team not knowing that their worthiness is being played upon.


Srinath said...

Why so much of anger dude? It's a game after all. And in the end it's the game that wins. Your argument is valid, but it's a fact that this practice is prevalent the world over. What do u think of club football, where players are even exchanged between clubs "on loan" ?

Shivram S said...

I am indeed against all such practices.

Krish Prasad said...

hi !! Nice to find u blogging !! ive added it to my favorites !! :)

and...the no. of bones is 206 :D

Shivram S said...

Thanks da(for both:p) :)

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