(Raje's mobile tickles his thighs)
'Hey Raje! Are you busy??'
'Not at all. Btw Hi Venk. How are you doing?'
'Great. Where are you now? At home?'
'No I am in the library'
'Oh my God!! During holidays too??'
'Now stop it. Don't mock me. I happened to come this way, so just thought of dropping in'
'Fine. Now hop out and come to my house'
'Why suddenly?? Anything Important??'
'Not really. I just thought of doing something worthwhile to kill time'
'What is it????'
'Not so soon. You come here first. I'll tell you'
'That's all right Venk. But I haven't been to your place. Where exactly is it and how do I come??'
'Take a bus to guindy and from there take another bus which goes to ambattur estate/O.T'
'Get down at Golden Flats'
'Walk down the road, then left, then second right, then fourth left, then you would find a saloon, take left from there, then sixth right, then.......'
'Wait Wait..... When should I come?'
'But I haven't completed. You should.....(fourth, sixth first.........)'
'No Venk. Please. I'll manage'
'Bye then. Just call me up if you get stranded. I'll guide you'
'Thank God you told me this.'
(It is better to get stranded)
'Hey hello Nirm'
'Just hang on'
(Venk punches the buttons on his mobile)
'Prah there??'
'Yes. Tell me'
'Hang on. You are put on a conference call'
(Venk starts punching again)
'Hello Para??'
'Yes Yes'
'Hold on'
'All you people, hope you are free'
'Yes Yes Yes ', they all said.
'Good. So stop all your work,if any, and come to my house as soon as possible'
'Why?? Why?? Why??' they asked.
'I am planning to do something and I need you guys for that'
'What is...But I...Tell me...that ??....have to....about??....clearly, any......go out.....article 377 stuff??....hello.....hellooooooooo... hellooooooooooooooooo...'
'Why don't you talk one at a time??? Btw, who is that smutty guy???'
'What smutty guy???' asked Prah.
'Yes. The one who said article 377'
(Silence persisted for a few seconds)
'Now please. It is true I hail the judgement but I am not gay. You all understand???', said Venk with deep embarrassment.
(Two hours passed and coincidentally all the four reached Venk's house at the same time)
to be continued next saturday..........