Monday, December 14, 2009
The magic of Chetan Bhagat
Chetan Bhagat has this gift of writing novels that can reach people faster and falls under the category of writers who write for pleasure, unlike others who write for booker or pulitzer. I certainly agree that his style of writing doesn't have a rich vocabulary or an impeccable grammar. But, who cares! Do you go to a theater with an expectation of learning something from the movie that you are going to watch? It's just to entertain you, to make you feel lighter, to de-stress you. Same is the case with novels. After all, reading is for pleasure. And, I bet my shoes, every boy who reads his novel will enjoy it, especially his latest release - 2 states.
His success can also be attributed to the story line. It's real. There is no need of creating a story from scratch. It's already there. You just have to add gloss to it. And when the story by itself is interesting, your work becomes simpler. So, I think Chetan is lucky in that aspect.
Something very strange about his new novel is that, the story is old, plain, very much guessable and yet interesting. It might be because of IIMA or because of Chennai or because of Ananya. I don't know. Might be the magic of Chetan Bhagat.......
P.S : I feel this isn't a well written post. Chetan deserves more. Will edit it, if needed.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Risking my holidays
It's been just two days since I joined here as an intern but have had quite a significant number of realizations.
* You can be on a Fazer or even on a Hayabusa but you would hate driving if you travel once from Virugambakkam to Kandanchavadi (for those who wonder what these are, they are places in Chennai)
* Even if you vow not to go by bike to office and take a bus, an AC bus, you can still hate travel because you'll be late - late by 1 hour. Murphy's law struck again
* Check the font options before you take a printout, else, you could waste a dozen papers when you are not permitted to take even a single printout without informing the IT department
* Hot chocolate sucks at cafeteria. Black coffee is way better
* Don't ever go with the expectation of meeting good-looking girls. They'll be found everywhere except where you are
* Always stick to what you know best. Don't eat rice with spoons just because others do it. One mistake and you could mix payasam with rice.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Connect'09 - a delight
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A new look, a new name..
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The side effects of boredom
Sunday, July 19, 2009
How a '*' can shatter you dreams...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Saturday Story
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Results!! Results!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
What the novels teach you - everything
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mummy Mummy I've grown a tummy
Sunday, June 21, 2009
How secret is your secret?
“Whoever wishes to keep a secret must hide the fact that he possesses one.”
Life has become so unreliable and so are the people. The curiosity to illegally peep into others’ possession has grown. I was appalled when I received an sms from a friend of mine who[just relieved from a state of shock] mocked me with a tone of both satire and surprise on seeing a sensual display picture on my orkut profile. The other information on my profile had also been monkeyed and modified to suit the display picture. No sooner did I start cursing the hacker than I realised the fact that my password was untouched. I uttered a great sigh of relief and said to my self ‘Thank God!! for the bad (wo)man had been good enough to leave the password undisturbed.’
But not all are fortuitous enough as I had been because Brian Green's experience with not-so-secret questions began when he logged on to his World of Warcraft account in March of this year and found all of his characters in their underwear. LOL!!! Someone had stolen the account and sold off all of his virtual equipment. He then involved himself in a great amount of research and finally came to a conclusion. "My 'secret question' has an all-too-common answer . . . This wasn't something I considered when I filled it out."
The incident bears similarities to the high-profile case involving Alaska governor and former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. In September 2008, hackers used the name of the location where Palin and her husband met to gain access to her Yahoo e-mail account via the "secret question" password-recovery mechanism.
It has been shown by the researchers from Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University that the secret questions used to secure the password-reset functions of a variety of websites are woefully insecure. In a study involving 130 people, the researchers found that 28 percent of the people who knew and were trusted by the study's participants could guess the correct answers to the participant's secret questions. Even people not trusted by the participant still had a 17 percent chance of guessing the correct answer to a secret question.
"Secret questions alone are not as secure as we would like our backup authentication to be," says Stuart Schechter, a researcher with software giant Microsoft and one of the authors of the paper. "Nor are they reliable enough that their use alone is sufficient to ensure users can recover their accounts when they forget their passwords."
The least-secure questions are simple ones whose answers can be guessed with no existing knowledge of the subject, the researchers say. For example, the answers to the questions "What is your favorite town?" and "What is your favorite sports team?" were relatively easy for participants to guess. All told, 30 percent and 57 percent of the correct answers, respectively, appeared in the top-five list of guesses.
But answers that require only a little personal knowledge to guess should also be considered unsafe, the researchers warn. Of people that participants would not trust with their password, 45 percent could still answer a question about where they were born, and 40 percent could correctly give their pet's name, the researchers found.
Schechter agreed that researchers will have to find a completely different mechanism for backup authentication--secret questions just don't cut it. "We would eventually like to see these questions go away," he says. "Unfortunately, since we didn't find many questions that were conclusively good, it's hard to recommend simply changing questions."
So what is the way out????????
I might blindly[because the feasibility is a haunting issue] suggest that the desktops and laptops henceforth produced should all be installed with some form of biometric recognition system that can be suitably linked with the networks over the internet so that any site that requires back-up authentication can provide biometric sensing as another option apart from the endangered password authentication. This, according to me is a foolproof mechanism until the attackers/hackers turn out to be as rude as the ones in Angels and Demons.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The shoe throwing era
Monday, March 9, 2009
The recession blues
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Blame game
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oscars all the way!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Booster
Friday, February 6, 2009
The sad state of cricket
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Masakali vs Rehna tu!!!
Whether it is Masakali or Rehna tu, I would shut the doors, put on my earphones and keep my auditory nerves excited to listen to the musical prodigy's composition.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Importance of proper education at school
Monday, February 2, 2009
Australian Open NADALled!!
You are the best judge..
As I have not much to think about during these holidays, those trifles occupy my mind and I keep thinking about ways to display myself as the BEST. BEST??..BEST??.....thats where I get kiboshed, get hindered by my thoughts....not allowing me to think further. What is the definition for BEST???....(only that question comes in my mind). Is it the state of self satisfaction of having accomplished something or is it the satisfaction of the people around(apparently counsellors). Is it enough if only I know that I am good enough to accomplish some task X or should I make others feel that I am competent enough to run that show??. Definitely proving oneself before others is a must. But proving is different from trumpeting. These counsellors with their pack of conventions expect this trumpeting from us. But a good leader would never display himself in an ostentatious manner.
So I decided, let these advices take a parallel path while I extract from them only those key points which I feel are true and leave the rest to reflect on them.